Treasure Hunter’s Last Wishes Fulfilled
by Best Friend

Stouffville, Ontario – 20th January 2025 . The last words Robert E. Ferguson said to his best friend Joe Ganzenhuber was “promise that you will have my manuscripts brought to life in print and on the screen”. He wrote these incredible stories over a period of 10 years, but never saw his greatest dream become reality. With the publication of Ferguson’s first novel Fool’s Paradise, the long awaited dream has been realized and Ganzenhuber’s promise is being fulfilled.

Fool’s Paradise was spawned from Ferguson’s involvement in one of the greatest treasure stories of our time, the discovery of The Nuestra Senora de Atocha in 1985 by the legendary Mel Fisher, which allowed the recovery of over $400,000,000 in precious artifacts, gold, silver and emeralds. Having been part of this mission, Bobby Ferguson recounts the story, appealing to the modern-day treasure hunter and dreamer in all of us. Through Bobby, we are able to experience this great adventure vicariously from the comfort of our armchair of finding and salvaging the Spanish galleon which sank off the Florida Keys in a mighty and violent hurricane in 1622.

When asked about dedicating his time to seeing Bobby Ferguson’s stories published, Joe Ganzenhuber explains, “Bobby had a talent for turning his real-life experiences into the most amazing adventure stories. Knowing Bobby and knowing his true gift for writing, it was impossible not seeing his dream come true. These stories have to be published.” Are you prepared to toss the dice and pay the price to … Take a trip to Fool’s Paradise?

Fool’s Paradise, River of Dreams and Circle of Dreams (The McAllister Trilogy) are available through…,,, and
Three Trees Publishing Inc.

Joe Ganzenhuber:

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